Butch Reed was one of those characters I first took notice of in during his time in the Midsouth region. He was feuding with the Junkyard Dog at that time. It was right before Dog went on to the WWF. Somewhere along the way, Reed turned face though, but then returned to his rule breaking ways and headed to Central States Wrestling. I'm not sure who was Hacksaw first, Reed or Jim Duggan, but they both had the nickname.
I'm not sure how well known CSW was back then. Living in St. Louis, it aired on Saturday nights. Bulldog Bob Brown, Marty Jannetty, and Butch Reed are three of the main wrestlers I remember from that show. Reed and Slick were paired up there, but they didn't stick around long, as they were called up north and started with the WWF in late 1986.
Reed had a new look when he arrived though. His black afro was now bleached blond and he was known as "the Natural" Butch Reed. I've written before about how this was not the right gimmick for Reed, but back then the WWF was more about creating characters and changing the identities of guys coming in from other companies.
"The Natural" Butch Reed
Reed didn't do a whole lot in his run with the WWF. He beat Koko B. Ware at Wrestlemania 3, feuded briefly with Tito Santana, and was a member of the winning team of the first Survivor Series (although he was out early in the match). Reed also put Randy Savage over in the first round of the World Title tournament at Wrestlemania 4. He was also the last opponent for former WWF champion "Superstar" Billy Graham (although I don't know anyone knew at the time it would be his last match)
Doom and Woman
Reed left the WWF after Wrestlemania 4 and headed to WCW and eventually formed a tag team with Ron Simmons. Doom had some success in WCW, winning the tag team titles and feuding with the Steiner Brothers. But like all good things, this team came to an end when Simmons turned face. He was pushed to pretty hard and Reed seemed to flounder. He left and hit the independent scene. I'm pretty sure he never returned to the "big leagues" after that. I don't remember the appearance, but apparently he returned to the WWE for one night in a segment on SmackDown with Teddy Long. I'd like to see the E use him again in the future in the Legends capacity. Reed was a great talent as far as I'm concerned.
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