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I had started to write about the comment Abraham Washington made during the Kofi Kingston/Titus O’Neil match and how it had led to some unnecessary backlash. Then I realized I was fanning a fire that never should have caught flame. So instead I’ll turn my attention back to my initial thought for today’s blog and write about RAW and try to figure why with an extra hour there were still several Superstars and Divas missing from the show.
Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus Courtesy: WWE.com |
Sadly, that’s about the only positive I can give RAW. I know I’m not the typical wrestling fan and I tend to be more critical than most so my opinions may not carry water. That said, I found RAW to be a very dull show. Factor in that I only saw the first hour and the last 45 minutes of the show. I missed a third of the show and still found it almost unbearable. As I sat there watching RAW and feeling bored, I tried to figure out why I wasn’t enjoying the show as much as other people who were posting on message boards. The biggest complaint I could think of is the show has a very repetitive feel to it.
Awesome Lionsault Courtesy: WWE.com |
From reading comments on the show, one of the biggest complaints was the number of recap packages. Since I didn’t see the entire show and was preoccupied during some of the parts I did see, I can’t really comment on the recaps. I did find it unnecessary to recap something that happened right before the commercial break when coming back from commercial. I know commercial breaks are long, but seriously, if you need to recap something that happened five minutes ago, it probably wasn’t meaningful in the first place.
As the title of this blog states, even with three hours there were no divas on the show. Not that the WWE Diva division is all that impressive at the moment, but surely in 180 minutes, they could find 5 minutes to devote to the girls. I think one of the biggest problems in WWE right now is establishing new stars, or really anyone not associated with the World or WWE titles. I’m going to contradict myself a bit, but would anyone have really been upset if instead of getting Tensai vs. Tyson Kidd, we would have seen Layla vs. anyone? The crowd has yet to care about Tensai and WWE doesn’t seem to want to make Tyson Kidd meaningful, so what was the point of the match? In the same manner, why not give Antonio Cessaro some meaningful story? Maybe start moving Ryback into an area beyond fighting jobbers. I did like the impression they may be setting Damian Sandow and Brodus Clay into a feud. Not every pay per match has to revolve around a title. When wrestlers are thrown out and treated as an afterthought, that’s how the fans will react to them because that’s how fans have been trained over the last 15 years. When a wrestler is presented as being important fans will eventually come around. At least that’s how I explain Randy Orton’s popularity.
Punk, Cena & Big Show Courtesy: WWE.com |
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