
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Pro wrestling makes me thankful

Pumping up the crowd
Photo courtesy: Steve Belcher

By Kevin Hunsperger
@kevinhunsperger & @my123cents on Twitter
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Last year I kept my Thanksgiving Day post pretty serious as I wrote about all the things I was thankful for in 2016. I am still grateful for all those things, so this year I thought I'd write more about the things I'm thankful for in the world of professional wrestling. Yes, I'm going there on the holiday. (Sorry, I'm not sorry.)

Dressed like Farmer with fan Lane Davis
Courtesy: Dave Davis
First and foremost I am thankful to have spent the year still working at the ring announcer for Stride Pro Wrestling. I know there are plenty of other folks out there who would love to have this opportunity and some who would do a much better job with it. But the folks at Stride (both behind the scenes and in the crowd) believe in me. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to see our cheering fans each month. 

Chris Hargas & Red Daniels
Courtesy: Steve Belcher
I love the direction the company is headed in. Stories are being told and talent is being developed. Some of the students are becoming the teachers at the Stride school. It makes me proud to see how quickly they've developed and connected with the fans. I'm happy to call many of the men and women of Stride Pro Wrestling my friend and welcome them onto the My 1-2-3 Cents podcast as well as feature them regularly here on the blog.

This has also been the year of developing new friendships in the wrestling world. Some of my new friends I haven't met in person (I know that sounds weird to say 'friends'), but I enjoy communicating with them via social media. Some of the crew at Podzilla 1985 I have had the chance to meet and chat with each month at Stride shows. Others I look forward to meeting in the new year. I've also had a good time growing a relationship with the guys at Skullbuster Wrestlecast and Tom & Jim's Top Five. Chad actually turned me on to both of those podcasts and I consider it appointment listening each week.

Check out
Speaking of podcasts, I'm thankful to still be a part of the Jittery Monkey Podcasting Network. Greg Mehochko asked me to join three years ago. Episode one drop on Dec. 9, 2014. I appreciate everyone who has listened, shared or been a guest on the show. I'm working on some big things for the My 1-2-3 Cents brand in 2018 and I hope you'll all continue to support those projects too.

Finally, I'm grateful for the new opportunity to be a sponsored athlete with COLLARxELBOW brand. I still think that sounds weird, but I'm excited about the opportunity. You can shop online and save 10% anytime with the promo code MY123CENTS (and Black Friday you save 25%).  

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