
Friday, July 22, 2016

I made it on The Rock's YouTube channel...

By Kevin Hunsperger
@kevinhunsperger & @my123cents on Twitter
Listen to the podcast

I have been waiting on pins and needles for nine days to find out if I was one of 32 finalists in the Rock the Promo contest on the Rock's YouTube channel. Contestants had to submit a 45 second video with a character and make certain points in their promo. The field was narrowed to the final 32 which were revealed earlier today on YouTube. As I watched the video I got excited for a minute when a quick cut of my character made it on screen. But I was part of the rejects, much like the early episodes each season on American Idol.

My character is one I've actually been wanting to introduce to the My 1-2-3 Cents supporters for some time. His name is LuchaDad. Up until now I had no creative way to make that happen. But thanks to the Rock's contest, LuchaDad and his 10 year old LuchaDaughter are out in the open. Doing this forced me out of my comfort zone (yes I have one believe it or not) and has got my creative wheels spinning for future projects. My 45 second submission is below.

I chose the bathrobe instead of a fancy wrestling robe because I'm a dad. I told a cheesy "dad joke" thanks to my high school friend Jodi for that one. And I used the belt as my intimidating look because who didn't fear a belt spanking as a child? The Padre Island reference is to keep with the dad/Latino gimmick I'm working. 

While I didn't make it into the top 32, I did make it onto the Rock's YouTube channel which not many people will likely ever be able to say. Take a look at the others involved, my one second of fame comes in at 1:28 on the video below. Thanks to the Rock and his team for the opportunity and for using part of my video in the montage. Also thanks to my "LuchaDaughter" for being such a good sport. Also good luck to the final 32!

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