
Monday, December 5, 2011

Inspiration Needed

Archibald Peck vs. Colt Cabana (Chikara Pro)

@chadsmart on Twitter

It’s been a few weeks since I wrote a blog. After doing the Chikara, “High Noon” preview (DVD of the show can be ordered at SmartMarkVideo. It makes a great Christmas or Hanukkah gift.) and the Survivor Series series of blogs I was a bit burnt out on writing. Then when I tried to sit down and write, my fingers couldn’t type any coherent sentences. I was at a loss for topics.

Chikara’s season had ended with the exception of the Joshimania triple shot that happened this past weekend. Therefore there was nothing really to write about regarding Chikara, as I’m not well educated on the Japanese female talent involved in the shows. I could have probably typed up something to give some more promotion to the best promotion going but I think I’m already walking a thin line with my constant Chikara pimping around here. Don’t want to over do it.

I haven’t watched TNA since sitting through Bound For Glory. I feel the Robert Roode/James Storm title switches and turns were the last straw in my supporting of the promotion. Don’t get me wrong. I am a fan of both guys and feel it’s a step in the right direction to start focusing on homegrown TNA talent instead of ex-WWE stars. The unnecessary story line is what turned me off. Add in Christopher Daniels aligning with Immortal after making his return to TNA to battle Immortal and the focus and threat of a feud between Eric Bischoff and his son Garrett, and well, I had had enough. I still read results to keep up with what’s going on in TNA. Most of the time I just shake my head and wonder how bad are the ideas that don’t make it to air. At Sunday’s Final Resolution Pay Per View Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy will battle in a cage with the stipulations being if Jarrett wins Hardy is gone from TNA. If Hardy wins, he’ll receive a title shot. This is the same Jeff Hardy who earlier this year competed in a 90 second title match on PPV. The match ended quickly because Hardy was in no condition to wrestle. Why is he receiving a potential title match again? It doesn’t make sense from a business standpoint.

Then you have WWE. I feel I’m in a weird place with WWE. There are several guys on the roster whom I enjoy watching and I really like the youth movement going on at the moment. At the same time I feel every episode of Raw is the same. (Be sure to follow us on twitter @my123cents) There’s very little variety. Guess it doesn’t help that I couldn’t care less about the upcoming Rock/John Cena match at Wrestlemania. This is going to a major selling point for the next four months. Even though The Rock will probably not show up for another two months to carry his share of the “feud.”

I don’t watch ROH or NWA Hollywood or follow any other independent promotion enough to write about them either. I did catch up on all the AAPW shows over the past couple weeks. Since Kevin is involved with AAPW, I let him handle writing about them because he can offer more insight and analysis of the company. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla has a show this Saturday I’m debating on attending. I’m not a fan of the venue they run and this is going to be a huge show so I’m a little put off by the prospect of being packed into a building like a proverbial sardine.

Kevin has the ongoing Christmas Wish List series going which has been entertaining. I have a couple series planned for later this month. Right now though, I’m trying to come up with topics to write about.  One of my new standards is to try and not be negative.  I don’t want to constantly be writing about things that annoy me. Who wants to read that? At the same time there’s not a whole lot that’s entertaining me that we haven’t discussed already. 

So what is a wrestling blogger supposed to write about when he has nothing of note to write about?  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Follow us on Facebook. Tell your friends to follow us. There could be some exciting giveaways and contest coming after the first of the year. You won’t want to miss out.  Don’t forget to buy some Chikara DVDs. 

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