
Saturday, December 17, 2011

12 Days... Santa in the Pits

Seasons beatings...
By Kevin Hunsperger
@kevinhunsperger on Twitter

I'm guessing this was Christmas 1989 or maybe 1990, it was the holiday episode of Prime Time Wrestling with Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, and Roddy Piper.  Heenan was dressed up like Santa Claus and then proceeded to tell the viewers that the jolly ol' elf is a fake.  Piper and Monsoon both pleaded with the Brain to stop, but he kept going.  Eventually Piper snaps and goes to confront Heenan in the studio.

It's a move that surprised me back then.  I was a teenager and had long stopped believing, but this was still during the heyday of the PG era.  I wonder if the WWF offices got any complaints after that.  As I've been working on this series of blogs, I've found that almost every time Santa is involved, he's on the receiving end of beating of some kind.  Not every case, and I'll share some of those as the week goes on.

So check out this clip from Prime Time Wrestling.  Man I miss Heenan and Monsoon together...

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