
Monday, September 12, 2016

I was wrong about AJ's victory

AJ wins the gold
Courtesy: WWE
By Kevin Hunsperger
@kevinhunsperger & @my123cents on Twitter
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Last week I wrote about AJ Styles NOT winning the WWE World Championship over the weekend at Backlash. Of course he did the exact opposite and beat Dean Ambrose for the championship. Good for AJ, years of hard work around the world has paid off with the ultimate prize in the wrestling business.

In my post last week I stated AJ would win the belt before the end of the year, I just didn't think Sunday night was the right time for it. My reasonings may have been weak, including the crownings of first time tag team and women's champions. My fear was an AJ title win would get lost in the shuffle. Plus I wanted Ambrose to have a little more time on the top of the mountain. 

AJ in motion
Courtesy: WWE
But clearly I was wrong and I'm cool with that. AJ's victory, although not "clean", was well-deserved. Up until SummerSlam I wondered if Styles would be one of the Superstars added to the list of guys who never won "the big one" while in WWE. I'm glad that is no longer the case.

Becky Lynch wins!
Courtesy: WWE
While my pick was wrong in the main event, I did nail the tag team title match with Rhyno and Heath Slater winning and I wavered between Becky Lynch and Natalya winning the new women's title. I'm satisfied that a deserving Becky is champ. I'm not going to lie, I worry about the future for Bray Wyatt. While Kane is no chump, Bray needed a win Sunday night more than the Big Red Machine. The Miz continues to shine and is quickly moving onto my shortlist of Wrestler of the Year for the Centy Awards. Yeah, I said it...

The future looks bright for the SmackDown Live brand. I'm excited to see what happens next with AJ, Becky, The Miz, Rhyno & Slater all holding the belts.

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