
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Giant Problem for WWE Tag Team Division

Show & Khali pin the champs (WWE)
By Kevin Hunsperger
@kevinhunsperger & @my123cents on Twitter

I know I'm about a week late with this, but I had to get it out there.  On the April 16 episode of Raw we finally saw the tag team champions in competition.  Granted, Epico and Primo were not defending the titles, they at least had a match.  But it was against the Big Show and the Great Khali.  What's worse, is then fact that the two giants went over on the champs.

This match left me shaking my head for a number of reasons.  Why is the Intercontential champion now involved in tag team competition?  I'm going to assume this was a one time only pairing, at least I hope it was.  My other concern is the fact that Show and Khali picked up the non title match victory.  Will they go for a rematch for the titles?  Lord I hope not.

Primo, Rosa, & Epico (WWE)
I really thought the WWE was about the turn the corner with the tag team ranks.  I was hoping after Wrestlemania that we'd at least see the champs a little more frequently.  They were left off the card at Wrestlemania (although they did win the dark match before the show)  Epico and Primo also didn't defend at Elimination Chamber.  In fact, since winning the tag team titles in January, the champs haven't had a title match on pay per view.  And as of this writing, they're not scheduled to defend at Extreme Rules next week either.  So when they finally have a match on TV, they lose to two guys who aren't a regular team?  How does this make any sense?

Of course this is nothing new for the WWE.  I've been complaining since I started this blog a year and a half ago about the treatment of the tag team division.  Every time I think things are turning around, I get disappointed.  Big Show and Khali winning that non title match is the tip of the iceberg as far as problems go with the division.  I can only hope that things change and the company comes up with some tag teams and story lines for  them.  There is a lot of talent being wasted right now.  They deserve better, and so do the fans.

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