
Friday, June 13, 2014

On Broadway...

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By Kevin Hunsperger
@kevinhunsperger & @my123cents on Twitter

I have now had the good fortune of visiting New York City three times over the last 25 years.  The first trip, I was a junior in high school.  It was a family vacation and part of a swing through the northeast.  Stops included Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and even parts of Canada.  My second trip came in 2013 when I traveled with some buddies to Wrestlemania 29.  We stayed in New Jersey, but ventured into the city and saw Times Square, Madison Square Garden, and The Top of the Rock.

My wife and I recently returned from a trip to the Big Apple for a wedding.  One thing we wanted to do is see a Broadway show while we were there.  As I searched the different options, my friend let me know that he and his partner were treating us to Pippin.  Their friend, Kyle Dean Massey, is starring in the title role and would be singing at their wedding.

Outside the Music Box
I had no idea what Pippin was about.  I read up on it and was intrigued, but still wasn't quite sure what to expect when Lisa and I showed up at the Music Box Theater.  We flipped through the playbill as we sat in our seats eagerly awaiting the start of the show.  

Our friends arrived a few minutes later, and after a quick explanation of what Pippin was about, I couldn't wait to see how it was going to play out on the stage.  Here's a quick synopsis of the show from the website, NewYork:

Pippin is an idealist medieval prince searching for his identity who's led by a troupe of players on a journey of self-discovery. Will he succeed as a warrior, politician, farmer, or lover, or just go down in a final blaze of glory?

Catherine & Pippin
Photo Courtesy:
The curtain went up and we were immediately captivated.  I was simply amazed.  Having never seen a Broadway show, I have no point of reference, but the cast did a phenomenal job in my opinion.  There was so much action going on at times, that it was hard to decide what to watch.  The show is well choreographed and filled with amazing circus style stunts.  The men and women who performed on stage that night are in tip-top physical condition. The balanced, jumped, and flew through the air with no ropes, wires, or nets to catch them.  Simply put, we (along with the rest of the audience) were in awe.  I'm not how other shows are, but I can't imagine there are many that are as physically grueling as Pippin.

Yep, that happened
Photo Courtesy:
There are plenty of funny moments throughout and at times the audience is a part of the show.  The performers turned to us at times, which added laughs to the evening.  There's a sing-along at one point where we all got to "perform."  While I wouldn't call it a family show, it's definitely an awesome date night performance. Obviously, my skills as a reviewer are lacking, but the bottom line is if you have the opportunity, go see Pippin.  You will not be disappointed.

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