
Saturday, April 12, 2014

What a Week

By Kevin Hunsperger
@kevinhunsperger & @my123cents on Twitter

I think the week of April 6, 2014 may go down as one of the most historic in professional wrestling.  Some of it good, some of it bad, but none the less, professional wrestling, specifically the WWE has been in the main stream media several times over the past seven days.

It all started Sunday at Wrestlemania.  The Undertaker's wining streak at the yearly event came to an end.  I'm still surprised by this, and posted a YouTube video earlier in the week.  

Me when the Streak started
Here's why it's a huge deal to me.  Just think about how long the Undertaker has been wrestling and winning at Wrestlemania.  When he wrestled at his first Mania in 1991, I was a senior in high school.  I'm now 41 years old.  That streak has followed me through college, three different TV stations, three kids, and my entire my marriage.   When I think about it in those terms, it really does blow my mind.  To say he's had 21 victories doesn't really put that emphasis on the amount of time that's behind the record.

Another significant moment out of Wrestlemania of course was Daniel Bryan finally getting his revenge on the Authority and Randy Orton and winning the WWE World Heavyweight title.  His reign is now seven days old and is almost seven times longer than his first two reigns as WWE Champion.

Karen Jarrett
While not as talked about as the events of Wrestlemania and other WWE happenings, I think the announcement of Jeff and Karen Jarrett's new Global Force Wrestling will have an impact (pardon the pun) on the business.  Personally, I'm curious to see how things pan out.  More announcements are planned in the coming weeks.  So far all we really know is that the Jarretts are starting a wrestling company and they're on the hunt for talent.  Follow @GFWWrestling on Twitter to stay in the loop.

Raw had some pretty cool moments.  I was there, and I think that always makes it more fun.  The crowd loves Daniel Bryan and that's even more obvious in person.  Cesaro announcing he's a Paul Heyman Guy came out of left field.  I like this development,  as we all know Brock Lesnar won't be on every week, and right now the world needs Paul Heyman. Speaking of Heyman, his promo on Raw was one of the best I've heard from him and it helped sell me on the ending of the Streak.

Paige challenges AJ Lee
Paige winning the Divas title was a surprise as well.  She's just one NXT talent to debut on Raw, as Alexander Rusev beat Zack Ryder in his first match on Raw.  Plus they showed promos for the soon-to-be arriving Bo Dallas and Adam Rose.  It's an exciting time for WWE's younger talent right now.

Warrior makes his way to the ring
Tragedy struck when the Ultimate Warrior collapsed and died at the age of 54.  Days later, I am still in shock.  I was fortunate enough to see him get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Saturday night and was in the crowd for his speech at Raw.  Those words seem haunting now.  Warrior, rest in peace and thanks for all the memories.

Eric Young, new champ
Photo courtesy: TNA
I don't really follow TNA like I should, but I do want to note that Eric Young has captured the TNA title.  Many are criticizing the move, comparing the quest for gold to Daniel Bryan's.  Since I haven't seen what they've done with Young, I don't think it's fair for me to comment.  I do wish TNA the best of luck and hope that they can become a competitive force in the wrestling wars, as I think GFW is going to be gunning for them.

Brie & Daniel
Photo courtesy: WWE
Maybe not major news, but congratulations to Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella on their marriage.  It's been a great week for the WWE World Heavyweight champion.  

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